So, the Sneeze and I were sitting around tonight reading.  I was reading
some SciFi, and he was reading 'Animal Dreams', which I just finished
yesterday.  (By the bye... everyone else talks about their ferrets pulling
books out of the book case... the Sneeze actually opens up books, and runs
his nose across the pages, as if he were reading... I'm not sure if the ink
smells good, or if he's imitating me, but it's funny).
As we read, we were munching on raisins.  The Sneeze looked up from his
reading, and took a good, close look at the sun maid can, and then asked
me, "Is it a coincidence that the good raisins come from the state that
still bans ferrets?"
December's rules for a happier life #9:
When someone says 'Trust me,' don't.
 Regan S. Pylman                               [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2622]