This is the second time in as many days that I have posted to the list, but
we have a tiny problem. (1pound 12 oz, to be exact)  When my son got up and
took the babies out this morning, he noticed Tallys' back right paw had a
swollen 2nd digit pad; and the nail was pointing in the opposite direction
of the others.  We had xrays and our wonderful vet diagnosed a broken toe;
probably from Tally's recent acrobatics in the bedroom.  (jumped from the
bed to the cd player)
So Tally is on 3 weeks "bedrest" in the cat carrier with no exercise, and
Echo is all alone in the cage.  Does anyone have any suggestions or hints
on how to keep them happy?  They are going nuts already!  We would
appreciate any help.
[Posted in FML issue 2622]