An ongoing thing!
Our 14 ferrets pretty much have free run in a spare bedroom during the
We've put in a 'Dutch door' so we can keep an eye on them, and removed the
carpeting, and installed ceramic tile (for obvious reasons..) We thought
(until Wednesday that is..) that it was impossible for them to get in
trouble in this room!
We've just recently got one of the 5x3x2.5 foot Martin Cages and We'd even
gone to the trouble of wiring 8 inch wide sheets of Lexan across the cage
to keep them from climbing 5 feet high and (theoretically) leaping onto a
very hard floor!
The ferrets did share the room with a Hedgehog, who quietly resided in an
aquarium atop a antique wrought iron decorated stand!
Wednesday, apparently my Alpha male Tavi got himself wedged in that
decorative grillwork, head down....caught just in front of his hind
legs...unable to touch floor with front feet....for approx 45 minutes!
Thankfully my wife was home sick, or he could have been there for hours!!!
She said he was incontinent of stool and urine, and his nose was very pale!
He is a Silvermitt.
I had her give him some honey which he took and also some Ferretvite... He
was very subdued the rest of the nite, and slow on his feet (tho I could
acertain no real injury), when I got off work, but he did eat and drink
He was back to normal the next day!  Nips and all...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thorndyke the Hedgehog and his antique stand now reside out of the Ferrets
and the 14 'Easily Weasily' Yakima ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 2621]