I was very upset about the post that referred to the hospital that was
sacrificing ferrets to train medical personnel when a simulator could be
used instead.  I brought this to the attention of Ann Gruden, President of
the Ferret Association of CT, and suggested we publish this in our next
newsletter.  She wants to verify that it is indeed true before we proceed.
Has anyone spoken to this hospital?  Does anyone have any other information?
She found this website:
http://www.smmhc.com/talk/index.html and it has an email form to contact
them.  I filled it out and asked them if they were sacrificing ferrets for
medical training.  Please feel free to email me privately with any
information.  Thanks.
* Page me online through my Personal Communication Center:
http://wwp.mirabilis.com/949746 (go there and try it!) or,
* Send me E-mail Express directly to my computer screen
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[Posted in FML issue 2602]