Ferret Litter:
Try putting the yucky stuff in a plastic bag, tie it, and put it in teh
trash can outside.  Use a grocery bag ie wal-mart, harps, sams, (check for
holes!!).  Tie it separately and chunk it.  Use a different bag each day, I
mean, don't re-use these bags!!(spew)
That's what I do and I can't even tell there's been dirty litter in my
garbage can.
Bumepr Sticker!!!:
I called Marshall's and had them send me some info and a sample of food,
and with the info came: A FERRET BUMPER STICKER!!!!  Yaay!!  Sorry to dhout
folks, but it is so cute!!  It is green and says in white letters: I (red
heart) FERRETS
It's cool. 8;
                    Jen & Pogo, the
[Posted in FML issue 2602]