Okay - been a while since I posted.  Let me explain to you the new, new
To refresh some memories.  I have seven ferts of my own.  Babysitting
another fert, plus a very large cat that thought he was a fert.  That
equals nine.  Last week Kimo's (cat) owner came to claim him.  They have
left for Ohio together (gawd he cried and fought!!!!).
Then I get an EMail from a local lady asking if I would be interested in
another ferret (hmm - did someone get the idea I was a shelter?).  Seems
she is moving to college and has 3 that she needs to find good homes for.
Plus cages, plus toys & treats, plus subscription to Ferrets Magazine.
She went through the AOL Member Profiles looking for people who listed an
interest in ferrets.
After communicating for a while I honestly got the impression that this
lady loved her ferts dearly.  She was so concerned that they needed a
loving caring environment.  We exchanged photos of our ferts.  Can
everyone see where this is going???  Okay.  So we all know that it can be
devestating to break up a family.  To be removed from one family group and
suddenly thrust into another without a support network??
Well, I went to her home tonight to meet the kids.  They were absolutely
adorable.  We spent time talking about ferts and other things.  I'm happy
that she felt comfortable with me.  The fur-kids were definitely a family -
there was no way I could seperate them.  I know the owner was heartbroken
to have to part with them.  I did promise to keep in touch and let her know
how the kids were doing.  And visitation priviledges.  Lord knows, if I had
to give up my kids I would hope for as much.  She started to cry as
belongings were packed and good-byes were said.
Yeah - I took all three, plus cage, plus carrier, plus toys & treats,
litter boxes, plus the magazine.
Please welcome into the Flurry (there's that word again!!  Just don't like
"Business") JAVA, PIMP, and CAESAR.  Okay - don't ask, those were the given
names.  I am very happy to say that all the kids are getting along quite
well with the introductions.  They are very happy playing with each others
toys and sleeping in the others cages (go figure!!).
And I'm still waiting for those danged Degus (yeah - plural, I'm getting
Will I have to get a Zoo License or sumthin' ??
ADDITIONAL CAST INCLUDES  stunt fert ~Petey~ /  Min-Pins Jada and Geordi /
awaiting two nameless degus
Kimo the Sumo Cat (and honorary ferret) has relocated.  We miss you kid !!!
[Posted in FML issue 2619]