>otherwise sweet lovable non-nippy ferret who happens to get under your
>sheets..while you are under them and go crazy over your toes and scratch
>at your leg..all my ferrets do this..I could lay perfectly still so as not
>to instigate play of any sort and they just go nuts...especailly with the
>scratching..I KNOW my fuzzies are not the only ones to do this ...any
Thoughts...um...no...but both of mine do this as well...
>Does anyone have a ferret with a preferance for a certain toy?  I have
>collected over the years fist size McDonalds stufffed toys..Joey, wherever
>he sleeps will drag his little camel with him and sleeps nex to it..he has
>about 10 little animals to choose from but always picks the camel.
My husband will kill me for telling this story...but I can't hold out
any longer.
All my life I have wanted a sock monkey... A friend of mine got me one for
Christmas this year and I was SO happy!!!  I proudly displayed him on my
living room table for all to see...
one afternoon, my husband called me at work all freaked out...
Seems he was on the couch minding his own business when all of a sudden he
caught movement of a larger than ferret size "creature" scurrying across
the floor in a BIG hurry...scared the dickens out of him!!
Apparently my big mama's boy Daggett had decided that HE wanted a sock
monkey too!
Since then I have tried to regain possession of said sock monkey to no
avail... Some how Daggett keeps getting hold of him no matter where I put
him and will drag him around (usually by the eye for some reason) where
ever he goes.
Normally, his "home" is under the futon, but I came home late from work one
night to find my husband asleep on the couch, Bean asleep in her hammock
and Daggett asleep on the lower level of their cage...yup...you guessed
it... sleeping on top of the sock monkey that he dragged into the cage...
well...most of him anyway...his feet and tail were sticking out of the cage
door...I just sighed and pushed the feet in enough that I could close the
door behind him.  I guess I'll have to wait another 27 years to get a sock
monkey of my own...
Hugs an kisses to all the fur kids!
Bean and Daggett
[Posted in FML issue 2619]