Well, here we go again.  Was that a groan?  I have compiled a few more
games that my ferrets like to play (on me).They are a great help putting
this together, as they show me every day what I should be writing down.
We'll start with the ever popular Climbing Mt.Everest.This game has quite
a few editions, usually starting with the climbing the cage practice
sessions.  This is called the let me outta here manuver.They most likely
will progress to climbing up the inside of drawers.  This may be combined
with Clean the Cupboard, Clean the Drawers, Clean off the Counter and 52
pickup.  Warning: The more expensive the items, the more tempting they are.
They then will proceed to the more dangerous climbs, starting with Climb
the Bed.  This is always accomplished during the making of the bed and
combined with the Name that Lump under the sheets game.  Once they're good
at this anything goes, from climbing shelves to climbing curtains.Yes,
ferrets CAN climb.  Sir Edmund has nothing on these guys.
We will move on to those ferrets in the groove, that is Surfer ferrets
dude.  These are the wild weasels that can be seen laying on their backs,
all four feet out, looking cool fuzzman.These silly slinkies love to be
totally tubular, as in shooting the tube.  They also love riding the wild
surf towel ; swimming, full body or just head games.  Watch out for those
that hang ten.  You may find them hanging out in their cage by all ten
claws.  These ferrets are just laid back, but do enjoy the wild games.
This next game is a dangerous one, only played by a brave few.  It's known
as Kill the Vacumn Cleaner, and save the human.  There is the direct
frontal attack, the sneak attack and the popular hit and run.  The object
of this game is to get the human to be grateful for being saved, and hand
out those treats to the big, brave Vacumn killing ferret.Poofing up the fur
will help, however poofing the smelly end will not.
My ferrets work very hard to show me these games, and now that you know a
few you can share them with your fuzzies,whether you want to or not.
Kim- Watch it you have FLO operatives living with you and they're planning
Jen- your fuzzy was after the money, either to finance what Kims FLO
operatives are planning, or to corner the ferretone market for Y2K.
Sandy and 4 Game Playin' Fuzzbutts
Love your fuzzies today, for tomorrow they steal the Visa and car keys and
go shoppin'.
[Posted in FML issue 2619]