>From:    Derek & Amy Flemming <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Colostrum Supplement
>>From:    Kim VanderLaan <[log in to unmask]>
>>Subject: Colostrum Supplement for newborn kits
>>This product is: Nurse Mate ASAP.  It comes in a package that is just like
>>that of Benebac.  I have not used the product yet, but do keep it on hand
>Have you used Bene Bac?
Yes.  I use it whenever I get an animal that has diahrrea or is highly
>Can you explain how to use the product?
Benebac is a paste that is given by mouth to animals with diahrrea or that
is highly stressed.  It is basically the beneficial gut bacteria that is
needed for proper digestion.  When you feed an animal yogurt with active
cultures, the active cultures are the same bacteria that are present in the
Benebac.  The Benebac is more concentrated than the yogurt.  The dosage for
dogs and cats is on the tube that it comes in.  I use it for any mammal
that needs it.  (There is a bird version that works for birds and
reptiles.) I usually give it 2 - 4 doses, depending on the situation and
the animal.  As I said, I have not used Nurse Mate ASAP.  I have used
Benebac in place of colostrum in *some* very young mammals that I have
worked with.
>WHAT colostrum is & WHY it is important for a new born to have colostrum?
>I know why it is important (was a breeding manager at a horse farm), but
>you could probably explain the importance better than I, you being a
>rehabber and all!
Thank you!  I'll try!
Colostrum is the first milk that a mother mammal produces.  It is different
from regular milk in several ways.  One is that it contains a large number
of antibodies which will help the baby fight off a variety of potential
infections, from colds to much more severe illnesses like distemper.  If
the mother has some immunity to the illness, she passes it along to the
baby in the colostrum.  Colostrum is only produced for a short time.  In
humans, it is something like 4 days to a week.  I don't know how long it is
produced in ferrets.  This new product, Nurse Mate ASAP is supposed to take
the place of the mother's colostrum *if necessary*.  No one is suggesting
it is as good or better than the actual colostrum - it is not.  But if
there is a situation where the baby doesn't get much or any colostrum, this
should help.  Before this product (and I'm sure it is still being done),
goat colostrum was used almost across the board for animals that needed
colostrum and couldn't get it from their mothers.
I hope that helps!
[Posted in FML issue 2619]