Thanks to the numerous emails and phone calls regarding my "Beanie", as of
this moment, she is being babysitted by my vet's clinic, to allow me time
to sleep, shower and eat.  She is doing about the same- I now have at least
100 variations on the "duck soup" recipe, and have been force feeding her.
She's been on 0.1mg lasix q 12 hrs, and 0.06mg cardoxin q 12 hrs.  Today
they started her on 1/8 tab of enacard?  at clinic, and will stop the
cardoxin tomorrow, to see if she regains an appetite, and conside
ultrasound, and other tests.  It tears me up to see any animal suffer, but
the vet seems to think she may still stabilize.  All I can do is pray, and
continue force feedings, unless the vet thinks she needs to to otherwise.
It was not a funfilled 24 hr shift at work (hiding her in the Captains
office, and forced feedings and meds), but my crew was suprisingly
supportive.  It gets kind of "interesting" being the only female at my
station (to say the least).  Sleep?  I've had about 6 hours since Monday-
who needs sleep?  I'm hoping to catch a "ferret" nap before the vet calls
back with news.  Once again, Thanks for everyone's support, and I'll post
an update whenever I know what's going on.
Diane & Gang
Sammy (mommy- why are you so tired?)
Nipper (can't blame Beanie on the carpet accidents now)
Gizmo (where is that other girl that attacks me?)
Beanie Baby (please pray for strength and healing for me, I miss
my buddies Sammy and Nipper, and miss attacking Gizmo)
[Posted in FML issue 2619]