Hi Fellow Ferret Enthusiasts,
I'm so excited because we just got in a...FERRET BUSINESS EXCLUSIVE!!!
*"I'm in the business...Because I'm Owned by Ferrets!"*   - $3.75 each
(includes shipping)
Clear magnetic window sticker printed in brilliant orange lettering -
3 3/4" x 7 1/2"
(no glue - not permanent - removable/reusable)
Tells the world you're a ferret enthusiast!!!
We'll have it up for all to see very soon.  Watch for the announcement of
our new web page.
All monies collected go directly to help support the medical expenses of
the foster ferrets.  With the exception of medical expenses, all care &
maintenance is being done out-of-pocket by me & Jill.
Support your local ferret shelter, whoever they may be.
Please call or e-mail...
Juliana  (770) 984-1417 <[log in to unmask]>
(fer'it`biz'nis) n.  1 Ferret foster care & adoption.
2 Info about ferret care & ownership.  3 What a ferret does.
4 A collection of ferrets.  5 A direct result of ferret math.
/That's BUSINESS as in a bunch of ferrets folks./
[Posted in FML issue 2618]