Hay yall:)
To Suzy I am very sorry to hear about your Dad, I am also from the south
And my Daddy means the world to me.  I hope you find some kinda peace soon.
I was writeing to let everyone know That my new Male Silver Mitt Kit, Is
doing great!  Him and my Mira are getting along well.  Of caurse Mira had
to let him know who was boss of the place first:)
My hubby and I and my son was playing with him on our bed a few mornings
ago.  And my hubby was letting him lick his ear, I told him he didnt want
to do that with a unnip trained Kit, But he thought it would be fine.  Next
thing I know He got ahold of my hubbys ear and started shakeing it back and
fourth.  My hubby is saying OUCH get him.... LOL So we have then name for
our new sweet lill baby boy.  BULL DAWG
Talk again soon
Mira " Mom he sleeps to much!!!"
Bull Dawg "*CHOOMP* hush Im tryin to sleep over here"
[Posted in FML issue 2602]