>From:    Sheila Crompton <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: U.S. Breeders
>taken from an article written by Mary Neale of Bedford Ferret Welfare.
>"The prospective purchaser met up with the breeder of them at the Midland
>Game Fair.  When the purchaser saw the three kits his attitude was "it's
>not what I ordered!" The breeder responded with, "If you don't want them
>I will finish them off now!" My friend who was a witness to this was
>horrified and immediately grabbed one of the little kits, the other two
>were picked up by another man who was equally disgusted.  "
Yikes!  As a US breeder, I am just as horrified!  I do not know any
(non-commercial) breeder that would do that!  I certinally couldn't
fathom that!
>You want any more 'horror' stories refer to my web pages - they are all on
>there.  20 plus kits dumped in bags and boxes in a Devon lay-by.  3 kits
>dumped in a taped up cardboard box in a park, discovered by dog, another
>load dumped in a field alongside a busy A41 in Cheshire.  I even took in a
>jill and 6 one day kits.
>BTW ferrets are really cheap to buy over here.  Some years so many kits
are bred that the livestock markets refuse to take them.
Sounds like the UK is having a problem with the breeding situation over
there.  I don't blame you for being worried!
Now - don't take this the wrong way!  Maybe it should be suggested that all
breeders MUST be licensed.  All breeders must sell altered animals except
to other licensed breeders.  It really should be that way with any animal
that is used as a pet.  I am not sure if having a whole animal for working
is better than having a desexed one.  Maybe if breeders were forced to do
this you would see less unwanted ferrets, less jills die from aplastic
anemia, less inbreeding, etc.  Just a thought.  I am sure it is not going
to happen and is a very large ball to get rolling!
Amy Flemming
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Flemming Farms - Michigan, USA
Breeding for Quality Ferrets
American, Australian, German, and New Zealand bloodlines
Come see us at http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ranch/9521
Weasel Watchers Ferret Rescue - Michigan, USA
Helping Needy Weasels
"For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism"
[Posted in FML issue 2617]