Dear Brandon,
I don't consider you a bad ferret Dad at all and thank you for bringing
such information to our attention.  I will alert everyone else about a
problem I had in the playroom, dressing room in our bathroom.
I have been caring for my sons ferrets Ashley and Bandit and I have one of
my own Xena, my Warrior Princess <grin> she is the baby and will be one
year old this week.  Ashley is 4+ and Bandit is 3.
One afternoon we were all in the "playroom" which I thought was ferret
proof and was proved wrong when Ashley decided to squeeze in a space under
our vanity!  We thought the base piece of wood under the cabinets doors
went from the floor to the floor in the inside of the closet.  Ashley
managed to get her head in that space when I realized what she had done I
tried to get her out and couldn't!!  Her head was stuck and I was afraid if
I let her go under the vanity cabinet she would find a way of going into
the wall because I didn't know what it looked like in that space.  What do
I do?  Stay there holding poor little Ashley's lower half until my husband
got home while trying to keep Bandit and Xena out of trouble or try to pull
her out?  Well, after about ten minutes of pulling and trying to get her
out she finally was free.  Ton's of hugs, kisses and cuddles and she was
fine.  What a scare and I didn't know what I would tell my son if I had
lost her in the walls!  Just when you think everything is safe you find out
that they will let you know it's not.  If my little Xena had done the same
thing I know I would have lost her because she is so tiny and faster than
Hugs and Kisses to your Baldrick.
[Posted in FML issue 2617]