Hi!  After reading the posts on feeding baby ferrets with a syringe, just
had to let everyone know of an alternative.  As a disclaimer, I am not a
breeder - nor ever plan to be!  However, was watching Animal Planet on
cable, and there was a story of a wildlife rehabber who had a tiny bat that
she was hand feeding.  This little thing was only a couple inches long, if
that, and had a very small mouth, eyes closed, no hair, etc.  She had the
formula mixed in a cup and then dipped the end of a small paintbrush in it.
The brush "held" the formula and when she held it up the bat's mouth - he
sucked the milk out of it.  He could get three or four swallows out of
each brushload before she had to "reload".  This seemed a great way to
feed tiny babies as they are in control and actually can "suck", as they
instinctually try to do.  The paintbrush looked about the size of the ones
that come in the kids paintsets.  It would certainly be worth a try!
Trace and Oreo
[Posted in FML issue 2587]