Debbie wrote:
>I am a bit curious as to why people have more then two ferret's?
Well, I own five, and my roommate owns three, so for as long as we are
together there will be eight in our household.  If you ever just watched
them play together, you'd know why, between us, we have so many, and why
each of us chose to have more than two.  They are just plain a joy to watch
and to play with.
You can never be depressed when there are a bunch of ferrets in the house.
They always do something so funny, or so cute, or so affectionate, or so
mischievous, that you can't end up but smiling.
>Is it because they are missing something in their life or what?
That is more than a little judgemental, don't you think?  In my case the
answer might just be yes, though.  I am 38, a single woman, and even if I
were to marry, I cannot have children.  Perhaps they are my child
surrogates.  I don't know.  I know that even if I do marry and adopt, I
will always have ferrets.
>I would think how people can afford all the food, vets and other things.
It depends on what you earn, doesn't it?  I am a highly paid network
engineer.  I am single and have low expenses.  I buy one of the most
expensive foods (Totally Ferret), and that maybe costs us $50 a month for
all eight, since it takes a little less than that to go through a fifteen
pound bag.  Keith and I split the cost, so you can see that it doesn't make
a dent in my budget.  G-d forbid one or more of my fuzzies got really sick
and needed even a few thousand dollars worth of medical care, it would not
be difficult at all for me to pay for it.  I also believe that with all the
joy they give me, they are worth every penny.
>Sure they are cute now because they are so small, but they can be a hand
>full also.
Yes, they can, but they become a bit more mellow as they get older.  Six
of our eight are fully grown now, and my Avon, who was absolutely our most
rambunctious kit, is now the one Keith calls "Mr. Cuddle Weasel".  He loves
to be held and snuggle.  Trust me, they are still cute as a button, even
when they weigh three or four pounds.
Take care,
Caity and...
Mine: Adric, Ker Avon, Nyssa, Romana, and Pertwee
Keith's: Tenchi, Ryo-Ohki, and Lady Ayeka
Caitlyn M. Martin                                     [log in to unmask]
"Good grief, man!  It's as simple as Einstein's special
theory of relativity!"
         - Dr. Who, as portrayed by Jon Pertwee
[Posted in FML issue 2586]