Hey All!!  I have decided to start a web page deticated to the wuzzles of
world.  It's going to be a web page of stories from owners around the world
that have ferrets, or ferrets that own humans.  I am looking for stories
from people who have ferrets.  Funny stories, sad stories, weird stories,
scarey stories etc.  So if you got a story you want to tell everyone just
emal it to me and i'll post it on the web page.  Everyone will be credited
for their storied just make sure you tell me yuor name and where you are
from and maybe even the ferret(s)'s name(s).  Thanks.  BYE BYE :)
Snuggles From:
Kelly (mum)
Tamers (big sis)
Sammi (The middle child)
Spike (the BIG baby girl)
[Posted in FML issue 2586]