Some other reasons to not go with PETA -- that group and its reps have
(as recently as a few months back -- in Jane Magazine with it's very
anti-ferret editor's comments later on top of the insults of the original
piece) said that ferrets are vicious, disease carrying, outlawed in places
they aren't, not able to be vaccinated when they are, not domesticated, not
pets, and that they are wild animals which should be turned loose (when the
result is most typically a painful death within days).  Obviously, they
haven't bohtered to learn anything before they spout off.  Two groups which
HAVE been reported here for having at times helped with a disreputable
breeder/seller/distributor/importer are the ASPCA and Associated Humane
Societies.  BTW, Roger Caras (ASPCA President) has been trying to explain
the very things the PETA people still don't understand for ages.
Judge Mills Lane: Well, gee, I can't say enough good -- about anyone who
avoids the show!!!!!!!!  The only good things were the camera people who
managed to get some fine shots and the micing staff, i.e. the tech people.
Remembering that several FML witnesses described how the staff of the show
carefully and repeatedly instructed Jean to be SURE to interrupt if
something wrong was said, and that Jean was not permitted to submit most of
her evidence including the Caller ID records which showed that the people
hadn't called I went into the show with an interesting perspective and
here's what I came away thinking:
1. That I am glad I never tried watching the show before because I
absolutely can't stand the pedantic attitude of the judge and his whiny
"neeeahhhh-neeahhhh" berating.  It's not his accent nor his high pitch; I
lived with a very dear friend who has both for 3 years.  It was that
combination of whining mixed with the bully-boy tantrums and the
looking-down-his-nose garbage.  Made me think he was a two year old brat.  I
hope this is just his stage persona for the show because it was horrid!!!!!
He comes over as rubbing salt into wounds for the fun of it, thinking that
he's the only one in the world with half a brain, having the self-control
of an infant, etc.  I find it IMPOSSIBLE to believe he can be this bad in
real life and still have amounted to anything so can't help but wonder what
this will do to his dignity, reputation, and respect long term.  How can
anyone stand to see an adult do this to himself?  No money is worth it.
2. That the producers are trying to get something which holds the Jerry
Springer crowd but has a tattered (so that people can peep through the
holes) mantle of respectability and to heck with the reality.
3. That each conflict they showed was as pre-judged and set-up as Jean's.
4. That the producer has no respect for possible viewers and does not
expect that any of same will want to have the actual evidence considered
and any degree of balance exercised.  Also, that the people who willingly
choose to watch it with this theatrical bent might deserve that level of
5. That the producer might have had people "work the crowd".
6. That it was an insult to my intelligence to even watch and that I won't
be doing so again.
REET:  Go to and read the Natural History
FAQs. (This site and the AFIP site are also about the best health sites
you'll find.)
Steve and I also mix high quality ferret food in with Totally Ferret (as
well as sometimes using A/D and our own foods), and you all know that we've
had ferrets for over 15 years with fine results.  Maybe she figures people
won't be able to tell what would qualify as a high quality food.
QUESTION:  why did your vet find it was "easier" to sterilize younger kits
than older ones?
When hand feeding by syringe must be done (spoons, singing, competition,
Winstrol, etc. don't work or are counter-indicated) DO be aware of the
risk of aspiration and the dangers of smothering or lung infection that can
bring.  We use a type of syringe which we have found gives better control
for allowing those all important (!) breathing breaks and not putting in
too much at once.  Others who have tried it have also liked it.  It's not
ideal, but it's better than the alternatives we've tried.  It is an
infant/child medicine syringe which has an accordian pleat top, a wide
hole, a large chamber, and the top is blue with a clown face imprint on it
in the same color.  You'll find them on hanging cards at the pharmacy.
[Posted in FML issue 2586]