>From:    Sandi Ackerman <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Petco Ferrets
>Interesting to note that the store manager told them he didn't know how
>old the ferrets were when they arrived, he said that wasn't on the
>paperwork sent with them.
Unfortunatly this happens quite a bit.
>From:    "Charleen H. Schuster" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: More on PetCo
>I think there is more then one group of people that are causing this!
I agree.  It is the farms shipping them so early.  But why is that?  #1 the
pet stores want them young so they have that irresistable "cute" baby
appeal.  All babies sell faster the younger they are.  The consumer also
has a part in this as they buy the young ferrets over the ones that were
from a shipment or two ago.  Many in the rescue business see that as they
get those "bitters" or "unwanted" kids in thier shelters.  It is a vicious
circle.  I am not sure where the begining started or how to end it.
>Is there not a law that says what age a ferret can be flown from one
>state to another.  I would think this is where fault should also be
>brought up.
USDA rules on this type of thing.  Being USDA licensed myself I just
happen to have my APHIS Animal Welfare book with me.  USDA says about age
requirements in Subsection A, Part 2, Subpart I, 2.131:
   "No dog or cat shall be delivered by any person to any carrier or
   intermediate handler for transportation, in commerce, or shall be
   transported in commerce by any person, except to a registered research
   facility, unless such dog or cat is at least eight (8) weeks of age and
   has been weaned."
Now, to me it sounds like MF, PV & Triple F have read this & found the loop
hole.  Hardly anyplace in the APHIS Animal Welfare "rules" does it even say
the word "ferret".  I have only found it in the definition section under
"retail pet store" where the following animals are sold "for use as pets".
It even lists ferrets as "domestic ferrets".  BTW - "weaned" to the USDA
means taking solid food without nursing "for a period of at least 5 days".
Also - my vet tells me it costs less to alter younger kits than older ones.
He actually went & worked at Path Valley while he was in vet school.  He
said it was probably the best thing he ever did as he learned so much!  He
confirms that on the large farms many of the people doing spaying,
neutering, and descenting are not vets - only "techs".  So if the farms
sold them older then they "might" alter them older, but I doubt it.
[Parts 1 and 2 combined into 1 here.  BIG]
>All ferrets have to go thorough a health check before they are shipped,
>why is the "Vet" or whoever does this letting these ferrets being flown
>from the East coast to the West Coast at such an early age.
Many large farms retain their own vets (or have vets that work very closely
with them) and those vets may be passing the kits on to aid in amking a
buck for the company.  Or simply to keep thier jobs.
>Also why doesn't the stores say that they will not take any pet that is
>any younger then like 12 weeks of age at the youngest and have
>documentation, proof when that kit was born!  When you ask the stores th e
>birthday of such kits most of the stores do not have any ideal when the
>Kit was born.  They can only tell you when it was shipped to them.
Well, stores don't make that 12 week old requirement because the young
"cute baby" factor is almost worn off (we all know ferrets are cute at
any age) and they think they would lose sales.  "Why by from them when a
younger one can be bought at this other store?"
The reason for the farms not to produce documentants of birth dates is
because often times the kits come from differnt litters to fill "color"
orders.  They are all close in age - if not born the same days.  At least
that is what I was told by a few stores in the MI area.  These stores got
MF & PV ferrets.  I am assuming Triple F does the same thing.
The thing I don't understand why the stores don't have copies of the health
certificates (and why birthdates or ages aren't written on these - any
animals I have gotten health certifiactes have to have age specification.
And why don't the airlines get on their cases - or accept the health
certifiactes.  I know that if they are improperly filled out in MI, the vet
gets a mighty high fee and faces loss of license (or so a vet told me).
>Maybe it isn't the pet store we should be complaining to but to the
>breeder that the ferrets are coming from.
I think it should be both.  If pet stores hear complaints they may tell the
breeders.  If the breeders hear it from both ends maybe they will stop.
Amy Flemming
[log in to unmask]
Flemming Farms/Weasel Watchers Ferret Rescue - Michigan, USA
Breeding for Quality Ferrets/Helping Needy Weasels
American, Australian, German, and New Zealand bloodlines
Come see us at http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ranch/9521
"For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism"
[Posted in FML issue 2584]