I own three little fuzzies, two older males and a baby girl.  The males are
litter mates and the girl is from a different litter, but they get along
great.  The point is, having three ferrets is wonderful.  THey become a
little team, a pack, and as ferrets get older they're even more wonderful...
Their lifestyles and personalities develop wonderuflly, THey use the
litterbox, find their way around the house, open doors by themselves(so
they dont ahve to bother you) become MUCH more cmpassionate, a little
sleepier, and just overall even better than a baby, in my opinion.  Besides
the fact that i wil now have to dedicater another month to litter training
and teaching her to be good, i'm so happy to have sylvia.  She's much more
energetic than her -brothers-, though, and *bangs head o ndesk* just doesnt
ge tthe concept of a litter pan.  of course, niether did they in the
begonning.  but if you're busy, another ferret may be tough... maybe wait
until you know you'll have fre time to give her loaaaads of attention! :)
training is such a pain!  who agrees with me?  head count? <g>  well, i
hope you have fun with youre fuzzies!
p.s.  i love hearing the unique names people come up with for their
ferrets.  would anyone care to share?  for example, my ferret
percivus(percy) is named after how when he stood on the keyboard, he
actually typed 'perc' after i asked him for the hundredth time, what will i
name you?!  and phil, he's philip of macedonia, because he seemed to share
similiar personality characteristics with the history character.  and
finally, sylvia is a silver ferret, hence her name.  thanks!
[Posted in FML issue 2584]