Hi Sheila, it's me, Georgia, back to help you get into dressing up your
Bottle vests are a wonderful and extremely easy to dress a ferret.  You
know, those darling little wine bottle vests - they mostly show up around
the holidays, and there's just no end to the variety.  We have one made
from a nice black polyester with small pink flowers, and a black satin
edging and pocket flaps.  It has a little white "shirt" and a tiny bow tie,
and my ferrets look so elegant in it!  The band goes around the ferrets
head and all you do is tie the ribbons at his back.  Those long vests look
like they were designed for ferrets and it's the wine bottles who have
borrowed them!
Another clothing item that fits the ferret shape nicely is Iguana clothes.
And they come in fairly large sizes.  They make a really nice biker jacket
that will fit a 4 or 5 pound ferret.
Hope this has been inspirational.  I think animals actually like being in
clothes - just look at all the happy faces on Jeanne Carley's great
calendar ferrets.  I know my dog (an English Cocker) loves wearing her
jackets and even our cat has a sweater - not that she needs it.
Georgia and the well dressed Kensington ferrets.
[Posted in FML issue 2574]