Hmmmm ...
My poor Hubby is feeling a little bit ... shunned ... shall we say?  He
adores our *kids* and always comes home from work and wants to play with
Well, lately, the darnest thing has started happening.  They won't look at
him.  Especially the girls.
Its rather amusing (well, from my end).  He'll pick Pee-Wee up (his special
girl) to give her a kiss and she's do everything but tie herself in a knot
to avoid looking at him.  I try so hard not to giggle at the crestfallen
look on his face.  He tries the same thing with Alice and she wrenches her
head around to stare at me.  Same thing with Miss Fitt ... occassionally
Moe-Moe will look at him for a moment.
Down on the floor, they'll stare at him (looking for treats) but the
second he picks them up ... uh uh ... forget it.  Our older boys are not
like that.  And Trouble (depending on his attitude for the day) will
usually meet his gaze.  They'll all look at me (even when I'm not wearing
makeup!) ...
Anyway, poor hubby is traumatized ... his ferrets have turned against him.
They FERRETS are playing favorites!
Tonia, David and the Upper Class Eight.
David's Web page:
Tonia's page:
[Posted in FML issue 2583]