Hiya, all!
Just finished reading the list for today
(Sunday).  I just want to say thanks to you all,
especially BIG, because I look forward to the list
everyday, even if sometimes I get sad, and
sometimes I have to skim a post.  This list helps
me understand my ferrets better, feel close to
other people who love them the way I do
(non-ferret people just never understand, do
they?) and let me occasionally help someone else
and their kids, with advise, or even a donation
when it's possible.  I feel like some of you are
family, even, if I may go that far.
In the posts recently about housing and
responsibility.  I agree totally, you don't take
pets into your life, and hope they fit into the
plans later.  I understand that sometimes life has
little surprises you can never plan for, such as a
transfer to a ffz, or sudden illnesses and
financial crises that are devastating.  But in
general, most of us know if our current housing
isn't going to be permanent beyond this lease.
Chuck and I are currently renting my mother's
house, as much to help her out, as ourselves.  But
now that she's decided to sell it, we realize that
we have to decide what to do next.  But it is
absolutely not in our consideration to get rid of
our pets.  Someone mentioned something about the
'perfect house' they want to rent not allowing
animals.  There is no such thing as a 'perfect
house' for us, if it doesn't allow animals.  And
as someone else mentioned in today's list, if your
housing management changes, as long as your lease
allowed for animals, they can't evict you, until
your lease is up.  That's why it's important to be
up front about your animals in the first place,
get it in writing!  If it means taking extra
effort to find a place, do it.  Or don't take on
the responsibility of owning animals in the first
place.  Chuck and I aren't sure if we are going to
buy a house, build a house, or rent for another
year, while we prepare for this, but one thing is
certain.  We will have our animals with us.  We
wouldnt' get rid of our human children, and our
ferrets and cat are just as important to us.  I
know that there are people who think that is
silly, but these are lives here, precious and a
gift from God, just like human children.
Ok, off my soapbox...I wanted to say that Bear's
story (the big guy on wheels) really touched Chuck
and I, we saw his pictures, and enjoyed the new
chance this kid has to live a happy life, because
Kristi and her family cared so much.  I think it's
something that other ferrets may benefit from as
Thoughts and prayers to the sick and those who
have lost a loved one, and happy dooks to everyone
Dessie -Oh my word, is this kid getting fat!!!!
(and sassy)
Chumba (Where have all the socks gone???)
Sequoia (why doesn't everyone want me to squeak in
their ears??  I think it's great fun)
Pepper (I know you want to give me a raisin, Mom,
I can see it in your eyes)
Sugar (I can war dance soooo good....dook, dook)
Meet my fuzzy family!
[Posted in FML issue 2580]