Anyone who has lived with animals should not be able to deny that they feel
emotions.  As humans we may interpret them incorrectly, but the feelings
are there none the less.
My ferret Tigger used to collect his toys in a pile and sleep with them.
When I brought home some real friends, two females who used to attack and
harass him, he became depressed.  He would lay on the couch where they
couldn't find him for hours; listless, and staring into space.  Or he would
leap up into my arms, bury his head under my chin and let out a huge sigh
as he snuggled.  Anyone who's ever spent time with a dog or a ferret can
tell you of the joy they display, simply because we show them attention.
To add to the discussion I would like to recommend some other books,
besides "When Elephants Weep".Pick up a book by Ian Redmond, expert on
gorillas and elephants; Dian Fossey gorilla expert; Dr.. Jane Goodall
whose life is dedicated to the preservation of the chimpanzee; Roger Fouts
who taught American Sign Language to a young chimpanzee named Washoe.
There are also a number of anecdotal sources about the human/animal bond
available.  In my collection I have " Love Miracles and Animal Healing" by
Allen M. Schoen, DVM.  "Animals as Teachers and Healers" by Susan Chernak
McElroy; "Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul" ass't contributors; also
"Out of Harm's Way" by Terri Crisp, a developer of the Emergency Animal
Rescue Service EARS who helps rescue pets and wildlife during disasters.
Just a few resources for those who love animals. Enjoy.
[Posted in FML issue 2580]