Hi FML-ers!
Wow, I got through a whole digest tonight for the first time in.. a long
time!  I wish I could read more often, but school and other distractions
keep me busy lots of times.
Anyway..  For those two of you who suggested reading
I have that book, and plan to read it soon.  Of course, I say that a lot!
There are quite a few books on my "To read" list.  I have read some of it,
but I stopped and now I need to start over again.  What I read was really
great, and I've heard fantastic reviews.  The author is very intelligent
(it seems to me), and I've heard him on talk shows.  He has another book
out, if you are fans of the first one and this one is called,
_Dogs_Never_Lie_About_Love_ .  I think it would be another fantastic read
about animals and their emotions.  It can certainly apply to animals other
than dogs, too, I am sure.  It is another book I want to read soon.  I
thought that you all might enjoy it, too, so I thought I'd suggest it to
Like someone else stated, I, too, am amazed when people think animals
*don't* have emotion.  But it also amazes me when there are people who
actually feel that humans are so incredibly different than animals.  I
mean, humans are also animals and if we have emotions, isn't it logical
that other animals do, too?  The best part about animals is that even if
they can't speak our spoken language, they can read our emotions.  I am
sure I don't have to convince anyone on this list about that, though!!  =)
I also wanted to take this time to thank all the people who made
suggestions about re-training Dean on his litterbox habits.  He really
is a lot better, even though there are some mistakes.  He's improving!
And his hair is growing back it seems!  YAY!!  Thanks also to the
replies I got about ferret bonding!  Great tips everyone! =)
Well, that's about it.  Hope you all and all the animals are well!  Take
Dean and Martin
[Posted in FML issue 2580]