>From:    [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: no Upstate medical center
>Hi Ela,
>My name is Tamara G. W.  My husband and I are currently medical students
>at: State University of NY Health Science Center @ Syracuse College of
Thank you Ela.  You now have the information from yet another source that
the Upstate Medical Center (also called the Health Science Center) is a
part of the State University of New York and not Syracuse University.
Tamara didn't punctuate the note as perhaps she should have.  She is a
student enrolled in the State University of NY Health Science Center at
Syracuse, College of Medicine.  That is it is the College of medicine which
is part of SUNY at Syracuse.  Not the "Syracuse College" as too quick a
reading might give.
As poor Tamara pointed out this is not cennected to ferrets.  You are not
disproving anything I have said - rather you are confirming my postings.
To refresh memories...
>From:    Ela <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Colloidal silver: where to get it
>I also have study reports supporting colloidal silver's efficacy from
>[...] Syracuse University
I had responding to that [in part]
>From:    William Killian - Zen and the Art of Ferrets
><[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: zen sighs as more on colloidal silver was posted
>A pre-emptive debunk.  Some colloidal silver web pages cite a Dr. Robert
>O Becker of the Upstae [sic] Medical Center, Syracuse University.  I can
>find neither this supposed doctor nor this medical center at Syracuse
>university.  There IS the SUNY UPSTATE MEDICAL CENTER that is in Syracuse
>NY but not a part of Syracuse University.
I posted about the existance of the Upstate Medical Center before Ela did.
If a document that you are using to convince yourself to use colloidal
silver on ferrets is creditted to a Doctor affiliated with the "Upstate
Medical Center, Syracuse University" then you should already be aware that
there are perhaps two factual errors in merely citing the author.  That
might not mean the information is definitely incorrect but it certainly
does nothing to enhance the credibility.  The source might not exist as
the cited author at a certain institution certainly does not.
Your arguments backing up the use of colloidal silver have credited both
Dr. Becker and Dr. Beck as authors of the book "The Body Electric" which
are about using electromagnetism to cure the body.  Dr. Becker is also the
name of the name claimed to be at the Upstate Medical Center of Syracuse
Wondering if just the Syracuse university was wrong I went to
http://www.hscsyr.edu/home/medicine/ But could not verify the existance of
Dr. Becker (or Beck) as a member of the school's faculty in any of the five
Ela, this is getting surreal...  Its rather insane to "debate" a long
acknowledged fact that the UMC exists as part of SUNY.
How about mailing me a copy of the document you have.  If it checks out as
authentic I will most certainly acknowledge that it is such.  But I will
research the document.  Is this a true paper from the University that means
it should be easily accesible in any major library?  I have Shenadoah
University across the county and several others with in a few hours drive.
James Madison Univsercity has a very good library.  I'd be more than happy
(and in fact eager) to verify the legitmacy of any research documents you
might have.  Not the truth of the content just the vailidty to cite it.
email is fine.  My mail address as it should be in SOS files is zen and the
art of ferrets, po box 110, star tannery va 22654.
Perhaps you'd rather trust another such as Bob Church to prove the validty
of the documents existance (not the information it contains).  (Sorry Bob
but we have to end this somehow)
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
mailto:[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2573]