I am now officially three months behind on the newsletter.  I've been
having computer problems like crazy.  My computer is up and down faster
than the express elevator on the Sears Tower.  Anyway, I would like to
officially and formally thank three ferrets who helped bring my computer
down.  Allow me to explain...
I was backing up my email files in anticipation of moving information from
one computer to another.  I moved them and restored the email files to the
new computer location and discovered a problem with the email files.  They
wouldn't load... which is a big problem because they contain close to 5
months worth of business emails.  I fancy myself as a programmer and
started snooping in the email archives I had created.  What I found nearly
knocked me off my chair!  In one of the files responsible for the indexing
of email files I found the following repeatedly throughout the file of
gibberish: "ferrets: Isky, Dweezil, Holle C"
I don't know who they belong to, but you have some first rate hackers.
Hire them to find out who really killed JFK!!  (If they don't want to do
that, I'll hire them in MY business...)
Note: Not to worry. I managed to "fake" a replacement file that indexes the
emails. It works... kind of....  ;-}
Raymond Hicks
Zephyr Web Concepts
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[Posted in FML issue 2579]