Hello all,
You may or may not remember my post back in December regarding my ferret
Elliott.  At that time it looked as if he had either Insulinoma or another
form of cancer that I can't remember at the moment.  (please excuse this
lapse, my memory is *very* bad unless I write things down).
First I'd like to thank everyone who wrote with explanations and
experiences they've had regarding treatment and quality of life, as well
as Bruce for sending me more detailed information regarding diseases.  It
helped more than you'll ever know at a time when I was *very* upset and
The good news is Elliott has neither form of cancer, but a very virulent
infection that had gone untreated for several months.  This was my fault as
I had assumed the sneezing and coughing to be due to alergies.  It started
right around the time we moved and I just wasn't paying enough attention.
The new medicine is doing *wonders* for him.  He's been much more active
and like his old self (he used to love surprising me in the shower by
jumping in to share the experience, he did this this morning for the first
time in ages!).  He's also gotten completely spoiled with special foods and
treats and is now turning up his nose when kibbles are served.  I'm so
relieved to see him returning to his old self and know that he has a long
life of playing tag with the rest of the pack, and helping me do the
A note to those who dance with their kiddies.  My guys think they're too
cool to do much dancing, but they *love* me singing "Everything's Coming
Up Roses" when I let 'em out in the morning.  They think it's the funniest
thing in the world.
Once again, thanks for all the information and support.
Hootie (How come Elliott gets *all* the treats?  I want stuff up my nose
Elliott (I love you mom, but will you please stop putting that nasty stuff
up my nose?)
Myron (Excuse me, but toes *are* for nipping)
Bentley (Can I move into the cabinet under the sink? Please?)
Elvis the outnumbered cat
[Posted in FML issue 2579]