Me and Big Bear have been trying to keep up with all your letters of caring
and support, but I'm afraid we may loose the battle.  So for anyone we
haven't gotten back to, we are feeling pretty positive and elated at the
amount of folks out there who really care about the little fuzzbutts.  In
fact we made a separate folder for them so we can make sure we read all of
them, and try and answer them all.
All of you out there who have written because you have a furry friend in
need of wheels.  Well, if you get the measurements on the kid in question
and email or call Doggon Wheels, we've offered to let them use a shelter
kid or one of our own who is close to the same size as a model, for the
wheels.  It might take a few to make them, we are still watching this one
and will be making changes as needed.
Bear is happily wheeling around the house in search of apples.  Have you
ever heard a ferret go into fits of moaning at scent of apples?  This guy
just starts moaning and groaning, and if he was dog it would be a beg, for
a little apple piece.  Hmmm his love of fruit sure doesn't explain his
A heartful...
Dooks to all,
Kristine, Bear, Syvia, Moby and Sid
Friends Of Fuzzies Ferret Shelter
Bend, OR
Help Friends of Fuzzies every time you browse or shop on-line-at no
cost to you.  Just begin by clicking here
[Posted in FML issue 2578]