Oooooooo, Sheila, you are sooooooo funny.  You don't dress up your ferrets?
You don't cruise the toy isles, salivating over the doll clothing?  Honey,
you are missing half the fun of having ferrets!
But fortunately, this is correctable, and I'm here to help you.  What you
do, is you watch for clothing that's the right size and configuration of
your various ferrets.  Only it doesn't have to start out as clothing.  It
can actually be a stuffed toy.  My ferrets have a Santa costume that was a
bean-bag Santa.  I removed the bottom, cut off the mittens, and made an
opening in the face.  Welly goes into that costume so fast.  All I do is
hold it in front of him and he runs in.  Ok, he thinks he's just running
THROUGH it, I have to stop him when he sticks his nose into the Santa face,
and struggle to get his arms down the sleeves.
Then there was a bear in a sweater, on sale after Christmas one year at
K-Mart.  My 4.5 pound guy just fits in that sweater, and my dog got the
naked bear!  We have a number of Ken jackets - you know Barbie's beau.
There's a nylon windbreaker, and a leather(ish) biker jacket.
Don't you guys on the far side of the pond have costume contests as part of
your fun matches?  I bring my collection of ferret clothes to fun matches
so that children who didn't bring their own can dress up their ferrets and
win a ribbon.
Hats are lots of fun.  You can decorate hats with tiny ribbon, and tiny
flowers, oh Sheila, it's just ooodles and ooodles of fun to do, you'll love
it.  Where you get hats is a craft shop, most of them have a doll making
section, with hats in various sizes, and lots and lots of styles.  And
little glasses, don't forget glasses!  They make little glasses that just
fit ferrets, and they come in round, square, and half round.
Oh, and I have to tell you - one of my ferrets has a saddle.  It's a real
leather saddle, with the little flowers tooled on it.  It came from a store
that stocked mineature display items.  The store was closing and it was 60%
off - I couldn't resist!
Ok, that's your first lesson in dressing ferrets - just let me know when
you want lesson two.
Georgia - the left coast one...
[Posted in FML issue 2573]