Well it has been awhile since I last wrote on here and have read from time
to time but life and keeping up with three fuzzes has been hard.  However
that all changed almost three weeks ago (my God has it been that long?) it
is still hard to think about it and I hold myself responsible even though I
don't know why.  Yes I do, they were my babies.  Mortis and Vita my First
and Second ferret respectively passed under the bridge on January 17, 1999.
I still have no idea as to what took their short lives (Mortis was about
2.5 years and Vita about 2).  I noticed them to be getting a bit thin and
after that realization I noticed that the food was not disappearing as
quickly, I started to put some ferretone on the food and also to hand feed
but with them playing so actively and being so alert I did not worry too
much.  Four days later they were a bit thinner and I decided to take them
to the vet Saturday morning, he ran urine and fecal samples as well as took
their temperature.  Short of a small urinary track infection they seemed
fine (normal temperature and everything).  As a precaution the vet gave
both of them some liquids through injections (about 40 c.c.s I believe) so
that dehydration would not be a problem, I failed to mention their poop had
become quite runny at this point.  I fixed duck soup that night and gave
them both some around midnight and went to bed.
The next morning I checked in on them and they seemed fast asleep so I
decided to let the little guys sleep for a little bit more before rousing
them to eat.  When I next checked on them short of Canis my youngest at the
bottom gate Mortis and Vita were in the same position as they where that
morning.  My heart stopped, my entire body felt numb.  I threw open the
cage and grabbed for Mortis..............
All I can remember and what haunts me even now is ... how cold they felt
and how terrible I am for having not done something sooner.  That night
Canis slept in bed next to me all night (you must understand I keep my
ferrets in the cage at night and during the day while I am not home so this
was quite strange for me) since that day Canis has been given free range of
the house because she too seemed thin and I have been manually feeding her
everyday at least twice though I do see her eat a lot of the cat food and
drink so I feel whatever it is that claimed both Mortis and Vita is not
going to claim her.  I find myself wondering if I had never bought them if
they would still be alive, I know it is a stupid thought that I gave the
ferrets a life that all ferrets dream of but still.... Luckily I have two
cats that though they might deny it act like to overgrown fuzzes themselves
and they have kept Canis from being lonely.
One bright note though for all those that I have brought bad memories back
to I look forward to a couple of months from now once I know Canis is ok
and that I feel safe of being blessed with another ferret and to that cause
I would be interested in knowing where a ferret breeder is near Bowling
Green, KY.
I love you Mortis and Vita, may you war dance under the rainbow bridge till
I can join you.
Joseph L. Williams
Canis "Don't you worry M and V I'll keep our Joey smiling!!  Besides who
can't laugh at a 2 pound ferret hoping around with a big green tennis
[Posted in FML issue 2577]