My two recent adoptions of young ferrets along with the tales and comments
made by various individuals in this group has got me pondering this
question?  Why do alot of kits tend to eat by taking mouthfuls of food
from the main dish and eating elsewhere, and why do they hiss when they
eat?  I have a theory but would like feedback.  An obvious conclusion made
was that the kits were used to fighting for their share at the food bowl
when they were young.  Now, I have enjoyed viewing the kit picts that many
of you have posted.  I have noticed that many, if not all the sites that I
visited that showed kits eating, showed the kits eating out of the same
bowl.  (I especially loved the one where the little legs were dangling out
the side of the bowl - now that's enthusiasm!)
Now, in my household, there are many bowls of food containing various
brands and tidbits - I have to, the little girls have such an appetite!
I swear I had two guinea pigs before they got here!  In the almost three
months I have had these girls I have noticed that their eating has been
less messy but still a travelin' road show.  Now, using my cats as
examples, I have noticed that since I got them from kittens, and have
always had an offering of food, they have learned to wait patiently in
line if they have to and to eat at different times.  They also don't mind
sharing their food.
So keeping this line of logic, would it not make sense to give these little
eating machines bowls of their own in order to give them more of a sense of
security at eating time?  Just a thought.
Betty and Her Blur O'Fur
To my ferts: Thank you for your antics - they are a refreshing breath at
the end of an excruciating day.
[Posted in FML issue 2576]