Greetings, Dooks and Hisses,
I was just reading Beth's post about her Newfoundland puppies and
introducing them to her FurKids, I have a Great Dane that I got when he
was 8 weeks old and 25 pounds, he is now 5 months old and over 100 pounds.
I introduced him as soon as he came home to my 7 carpet sharks.  They
were not quite sure what he was but they figured out he was to big to drag
accross the floor by the scruff.  Merlin loves the fuzzies and they love
him but I only allow supervised play due to Merlin's size.  He would never
intentionally hurt them but there are times when he reaches a paw out to
touch them and sends them ass over tea kettle.  If you have ever seen the
size of a paw on a Great Dane, well I'm sure you get the picture.  The
fuzzbuts love to hang off Merlin's big droopy lips and they are fascinated
by the size of his paws, The boys try to lift up his huge paws and play
with them and Scooter loves to climb on his back and give him scratchies
with his claws, Merlin loves that.  He is very careful around them but if
he ever rolled over on one of them he would most likely crush them.  The
fuzzies have their own part of the house and Merlin has his.  I think the
key to having large dogs and ferrets is early supervised interaction and to
be sure to teach the dogs the word "Gentle" when they are around your
fuzzies.  I have heard that Newfies are alot like Danes in that they are a
gentle breed but again I think the key is early interaction.  I don't think
you would want your puppies to play rough like the fuzzies do with each
other.  I think the consequences would be disasterous.  Merlin thinks he's
just a big Fuzzie and he sticks his head over their wall many times a day
to make sure their alright.  One of my fuzzies has a bad cough and when
Merlin hear 's him cough he comes and finds me to let me know.  Just enjoy
your fuzzies and your puppies but keep in mind that your newfies will weigh
well over a 100 pounds when they are grown.
Good Luck !!  Dooks and Barks !!!
[Posted in FML issue 2576]