>From:    "Hudson, Jennifer" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Moving to Delaware - Need Some Info
>Well, me, my daughter and the Gang will be heading slightly south to
>Delaware.  We will be in the Bear area of north DE (between Wilmington
>and Newark).
>If anyone has suggestions about wonderful pet stores, shelters, vets or
>play groups, please let me know!  I also need to know if there are any
>'stupid' laws on the books that I would need to be aware of....
Delaware is pretty lenient as far as animals go.  I've never hear of any
problems in DE with ferrets.  I've been owned by ferrets for 9 years here,
and used to be very actively involved, starting a club and everything.  (It
no longer exists due to a family crisis)
As for vets, I go to Dr. Ksaizek at the animal hospital on Cleveland Avenue
in Newark.  It's gone through several names, now it's VCA something or
other.  302-737-8100.  Dr. Ksaizek is about the best you will find in this
area.  She's pretty good about keeping up with ferret issues.  On the down
side, it is a VERY busy animal hospital, and can be difficult to get
appointments when your animal is sick.  They are also pretty expensive
since they signed on with VCA.  On the up side, they have people there 24
hrs a day, which is nice when your animals are in the hospital.
They are planning on building a new hospital, which will be closer to Bear.
Hopefully they'll have room for more doctors then, and it won't be so
difficult to get in.  Last I heard, they hadn't broken ground yet, though.
As for pet stores, there's a new pet superstore outside of Christiana mall
(Petco, maybe?).  I haven't been in it, but I hear it's nice.  Concord Pet
is a chain around here.  They have a great selection of products and food.
That's where I go.  They usually have Totally Ferret in stock in the big
bags, if not they'll order it within just a few days.  Avoid the Docktor
Pet store in the mall.  It is, basically, EVIL!  I have seen so many
atrocious cases of pure animal abuse there.  I nearly cry every time I walk
by it.  (i.e. once I pointed out a ferret kit with a prolapsed rectum.  2
days later it was still there, with wood chips all dried up on the poor
kit's prolapsed rectum.  Ow!  - and that's nothing compared to what they do
to the poor birds) If you had an overwhelming desire to buy a ferret from a
pet store, there's one that is pretty good in Lantana Square in Hockessin.
They keep them in a ferret cage with a litterbox and nice bedding, and they
socialize them.
There are 2 ferret shelters.  Steve Krouse and Cindy Sooy run one.  Cindy
is great.  It's actually at Steve's house, and he's a really nice person,
but not exactly "Mr. Social".  If you have any problems, look Cindy up.
There's also one run by Patty Records.  I've never talked with her, and
know nothing about the shelter.  I tried to call her once when I was
helping someone who couldn't keep their ferrets, but she didn't have an
answering machine and I was never able to reach her.  (BTW, Cindy also
used to breed.  And probably still does.)
Good luck on your move.
- Nancy
Nancy Stephens
[log in to unmask]
Newark, DE
[Posted in FML issue 2576]