Dear Anonymous,
Firstly I am sure that our parent shelter has already replied to this
message, however, I feel compelled to put my two cents worth in.  My wife
Denise is the Shelter Mother here, but since I work from home I have the
majority of the day with our fuzzy babies.  I am the one that cleans,
medicates, and exercises our charges through the day.  So I feel I have a
right to spout off!!
Perhaps you need to research your statements prior to posting them in a
public forum like the FML.  I know of only one shelter in NJ that has yet
to be licensed and was under the impression that that was to be rectified
as soon as the $100 fee was available.  I know that legal licensing is
important, but it is not the be all and end all of shelter life.  Perhaps
food, medications, cages, bedding, cleaning supplies and veterinary care
are a little more important than dropping $100 bucks in the coffers of
the state for a licensing and inspection that may or may never happen and
giving out 20 day permits, that most people never send in anyway!!.  Don't
get me wrong, we are registered as a not for profit and licensed with the
Fish & Game, so I do believe it is important.  But, the FERRETS are the
important part of this, not government bureaucrats!!  Wouldn't this type of
message go over well in California??
I was very disappointed to see that some "so called" shelter operators seem
to think that this is a for profit business that requires competitive
practices, or if not that just have such ARROGANCE as to think that they
and what they think are more important than the whole point of this, the
FERRETS!!!!  If you are so concerned, talk to these people, whoever they
are, and try to help, not criticize and complain.  If you feel so strongly
about state compliance, help them get it!
I would welcome a state inspection in our shelter.  We have nothing to hide
or any reason to avoid it.  As for "collecting", in the 3 month we have
been operating we have had 6 adoptions, if that is collecting then MOST
shelters could be construed as collectors!  We are currently down to 8 in
the shelter, with 3 adoptable at this time.  We have 2 pairs that have one
baby that is under the weather.  For that matter, here is a Bandit update!!
Little Bandit, who you folks out there helped have her adrenal surgery is
doing wonderfully!  She is even starting to get some hair back and her
attitude is adjusting a little.  She still nips once in a while, but much
better than before.  Again, a great big God Bless and Thank You to all of
you for your support!!!  By the way, what it cost to have her surgery,
could have licensed 4 shelters...nuff said?
Well, I have ranted enough.  It's time to get back to cleaning cages, force
feeding duck soup and hydrating with Ringers our two babies with shelter
shock.  Keeps me pretty busy, good thing I'm a computer systems integrator,
I don't know where I'd find the time otherwise...:)
Have a ferrety day!!
Denise & Rick Jackson
KiSta Ferret Rescue North
129 W. Westside Ave.
Red Bank, NJ 07701
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[Posted in FML issue 2599]