Well, the saga continues...
Actually, it's been slow maoving, so I haven't told anyone here about it,
but one of my roommates (a friend since I was 2) was not working out,
lying, stealing, etc.  etc.  Well, anyway, last weekend she moved out!!!!
Aside from worries on whether she will pay rent or not, I'm thrilled!!  The
weasels got a room of their own.  They don't know what to do with
themselves!  I am very excited.  too.  It makes a great study room.  So,
with only three of us here, it's been very nice.  I have no complaints, for
once!! :)
I'll be gone for the next week.  I'm going to Florida to look for a new
house.  I'll be living there for a few months starting at the end of May.
I can't wait, the change of pace will be so nice!  The ferrets should like
it too, I hope.  They love it when I take them to the beaches here, and
this is only Delaware.
Kiss all your ferrets for me!
Jacki    Kif and Trevor
[Posted in FML issue 2598]