Molly was diagnosed with adrenal disease in April of 1997.  We sent her for
surgery and had the left adrenal removed.  Pathology felt it was a clean
exicision and the right adrenal did not look involved.  After 3 months of
no apparent benefit for the surgery, no hair regrowth and she continued to
lose hair and the vulva swelling continued, we started on lysodren therapy.
That was in Sept of 1997.  By March 1998 she had begun to grow a thick coat
of fur.  When her next shed cycle hit she lost her fur again.  She has
regrown some of it but is still pretty hairless on her back and sides.
Vulva swelling is greatly redused and she is her peppery self.  Molly will
be 8 years old next month and is still going strong.  Has anybody else had
this happen and if so did you try something else to encourage hair
regrowth?  Another surgery is not an option.  Here in Alaska it is very
Diana and The Ferret Farm
[Posted in FML issue 2598]