Hey everyone, I need a favor, my wife teaches at a daycare, and in a couple
of weeks they are going to be spending a week on pets, being ferret owners,
ferrets must be part of this week, we already have some books with pictures
and Lex and Gidget will be going down for a visit (I am not sure about
Honey though, although she hasn't nipped in almost a year, I don't know if
she will come with us or not) I know Lex and Gidget will be fine, they are
the most loving ferrets I have ever seen, I have had many people who have
ferrets comment that they have never seen more calm and cuddly fuzzits.
well anyway, enough bragging, now for the assistance needed, I have heard
someone mention doing this type of thing before, and someone mentioned a
handout that was passed out including some coloring pages, if anyone has
anything like this, especially a picture of a ferret to color it would be
very much appricated.  Please contact me at [log in to unmask]
Thank you so much
[Posted in FML issue 2597]