I've seen several people recently talking about their neutered ferrets'
marking behaviour.  I've also seen that behaviour in Ozzy, he is neutered,
but has never completely stopped his habit of dragging his butt over some
things (mostly it is the edge of the litter box [not when he "goes" but
when he passes it sometimes], the TV-stand and the occational toy on the
floor).  Normally he only does it once in a while, and it seems to be
related sometimes to when he doesn't get his way.  (If Obelix is eating
and won't let him have any food immediately or if we stop him from going
into the closet, etc...)
This is very clearly a possessive marking (and not some disorder, as I've
heard the behaviour CAN be).  I became much avare of that yesterday when
a couple of ferrets came for a short visit (only two hours) to our home.
Ozzy became very upset and it didn't take long until he latched on the neck
of the male and we had to pry him loose.  He then was placed in the cage
for the rest of the visit.  When the strangers left and we let Ozzy out he
began running around, sniffing everywhere the strangers had been - and very
clearly marked every item on the way!  And not only butt-marking, he rolled
around all the softer things to leave HIS smell on those too.
At the same time we heard the Alpha-dooking (I think that's a good
expression that tells what it is).  A few FMLs ago, Chris wondered what the
quick dooks that his ferret Chopper made at Phil, the cat, was - I think
this is what you mean.  A series of dooks that never seeems to stop, in a
lower key, (it sounds as if it comes from the chest rather than the
throat).  That is Ozzy's way of saying "This is MY home!  Things should
smell of ME!  Where are you?  Come on, I can smell you, you cowards, come
out and we'll see who's king of THIS castle!!"  He's not really angry, just
The weirdest thing in this is that Ozzy was alpha when Obelix was new to
our home, but half a year later, we wondered if they'd traded places, as
Ozzy seemed to be chased more than before, and often took a beating.  Now
they seem to be more equal (or maybe they change who's alpha every day?)
but it's only Ozzy who seems territorial... They are funny creatures.  :)
If it's anything like that, my guess is Chopper is asserting his territory.
Maybe he thought HE was the one that should have your attention, not Phil.
Probably not angry, maybe not exactly happy, but a warning and a challenge.
If he and Phil are pals, it might even be an invitation to a mock combat.
It sure sounds funny though.  :)
Many thanks to Millie.  I have tried that waterpool idea a couple of times,
but I always took it away after a day, it gets sooo messy.  Now I've let
the water remain in their room for several days in a row.  Oh, it's messy,
but they do love it... Hrm, I'm proud to say that Obelix managed to take
out one of the ping-pong balls after half an hour.  I've no idea HOW he did
it, I turn by back for two minutes, comes back, and he's playing with it!
(I've also planned on a rice box for a couple of weeks, just haven't got
all the rice I want yet.)
Ozzy (Where are they? I wanna fight!)
Obelix (Why are you running around?  See, the water's still here!
[Posted in FML issue 2596]