(color) and infection or protein passing too much (infection) but amber
urine can also be a sign of liver inflammation, esp.  if the stools are
Those who want to find info about the rabies shedding studies (multiple
since there were quite a few of them) can check out by looking under
Rupprecht, Briggs, CDC, KSU, and also by using the AVMA webpage to search
for leads/direction.  S.J.  didn't do any of the studies; she's the chair
of the Animal Rabies Control Compendium Committee of the National
Association of State Public Health Veterinarians.  In fact, you can search
on back issues of the FML since there were many pieces about these in the
list.  Let's see, the Compendium was first changed early Nov.  1998.  A
number of the studies were done before then and some were done afterward.
There are also German and French studies that were yet earlier (with pretty
much the same results) and a much earlier one which showed that ferrets
don't get rabies by eating the flesh of contaminated animals.
Why do people chose to believe nasty things about ferrets?  Probably
because of one of the same reasons that folks are racist, or sexist, or
intolerant of other religions, persuasions, etc.  For a LOT of people
IGNORANCE is EASIER than investigating, learning, and growing.  Some even
think that if they laugh at those who have learned or are willing to learn
that their stupid action will intimidate others into agreement.  In fact,
sometimes such people turn things on their heads and claim that THEY are
the open minded ones because of their cheap giggles.  What bores.  Some
people just don't have the willingness to challenge themselves with new
information or experiences; everything has to go in the tiny box they've
used for world definitions since they were snot-nosed kidlings learning to
hate whomever and whatever their parents and peers hated.  Nothing against
kidlings here; just something against people who don't like getting out of
intellectual cribs/coffins/confining boxes; think it's maybe an intellectual
version of agoraphobia <G>.  Heck, it isn't even intelligence related (on
the standard measures) since most people I've known who are intellectually
challenged still try danged hard, as opposed to bigots.  It's instead plain
old mental laziness.  I don't think that many people believe garbage about
ferrets because they are jealous of the greater abilities of ferrets; but
given some people I guess that's possible, too.  At least ferrets have
curiousity and enjoy a challenge.  (Okay, you can laugh now.)
Oh, Ed, come on!  Aren't you being overly greedy with peoples' time and
bandwidth?  You CAN'T possibly have so much free time that your hobby is
becoming the defining aspect of your life.  For those who don't know, Ed
has freely admitted that his hobby is to "shake the ferret tree and see
which nuts fall out" (his words, not mine).  This means that he does his
National Enquirer impersonaation now and then, which would not be a problem
if it wasn't at times destructive and undermining (You have enough smarts
to avoid that with better topic choices and better editing, Ed.) for some
of the hard fought efforts.  Here's a suggestion: Ed, or anyone else
putting in a post which is questionable in taste, intent, and content could
give a rough idea of the percentage which can NOT be believed.  There's
still fun in it since people can try to figure out which portions are which
so you can chuckle at their guesses.  Look at it as adding one more riddle
to the overall joke.  How much of Ed do I take seriously?  Depending on the
post (and not including the ones I skip) maybe 5% to 20%.  Oh, well...
(who regrets to say that BOTH Bill and Ela EACH had some errors in relation
to SUNY HSCs, and that rather than waste others' time reading about what
matters only to those of us with associations to the schools I will leave
it to each of them to find their OWN errors instead of each other's for a
change of pace -- NO hints, now...)
[Posted in FML issue 2573]