I had to respond to this post to make sure everyone knows.  There are NO
feral population of Domesticated Ferrets gone WILD, anywhere in California.
I also live in San Diego County.  A few years back when I was living in 29
Palms, Ca., I was in a print shop making copies of ferret related things
for our FA Chapter I had started in Yucca Valley, Ca.  There was a
gentleman there that kept looking at what I was copying and started asking
questions, he then told me he was a reporter for our local newspaper.  He
asked if I would do an interview on Domestic Ferrets with him.  At first I
was real leery, but I conceded and said yes, only if he would read some
material on the domestic ferret.  He did and I did an anonymous interview
with him.  The interview went well.  He also made other inquiries and found
a person, that said he had a whole colony of feral domestic ferrets.  He
called me about it.  I told him to take me with camera to show me the
colony and I'll show you a native colony of California weasels.  He went
back to his source and it was dropped.  I showed him pictures of the
weasels and pictures of Domestic ferrets.  He conceded that his other
source was definitely wrong.  So colonies of weasels are often said to be
feral Domestic Ferrets.  Even though we have surmountable problems with Ca.
DF&G, they have NEVER found a feral colony of Domestic Ferrets, only the
native Ca.  weasel which is smaller than Domestic Ferrets and all are the
same color patterns.  I hope this has set the record straight.
Dooks and Dances,
OutlawDook, FA Membership Chair
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[Posted in FML issue 2595]