Hi Marie!
Shadow did tell me to say somet'in' for Otis.  It wasn' vewy nice t'ough,
so I'll put it in my words ok?  He said dat Otis done stole' his socks,
an' he wan'ed 'em ALL BACK!
Bu' I did tell Shadow to go jump in de sock pile (I'm sowwy, I was wude,
but he was firs'!) Shadow did say he was sowwy, bu' I don' t'ink he meant
it :( Too busy makin' mischief!!  Dat's de problem wiv dem liddle ones,
dey don't stop - EVER!  Well... none of us ferrets do - bu' 'specially not
de liddle ones!
Oh, now Shadow wan's ta pway! Gotta go now.   .
Buh bye!
[Posted in FML issue 2595]