>From:    Ron Carter <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Cataracts
>Anyway, I noticed yesterday  that Moose has a cataract in his right eye....
>I have never seen it before so I know it is a very recent development.  My
>question is do you know why he would have developed a cataract so fast.
>He is Albino and only 4 months old.
I had a hob that I purchased from a breeder that had bilateral (genetic)
cataracts in both eyes.  He was completely blind by the time he was 9
months old.  That turned into a big fiasco as the breeder claimed he didn't
have any blindness in his background - when we got him he gave us a 1 year
health & genetic quarantee - and it turns out several people told him the
jill was stone cold blind!
Anyhow - watch out for you little guy.  He may develope a cataract in the
other eye as well.  They are funny - sometimes you see them, sometimes you
don't.  It depends on the light (if the pupil is dialated or not).
So cataracts in a ferret so young would most likely be from genetics (where
did you get him - contact the breeder) or from another irritant - ie: a
chemical he got in his eye, an injury, etc.
>From:    "Sonam D." <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: tea tree shampoo
>My short answer to those interested, is NEVER, NEVER us either "human"
>shampoos or soaps, nor cat, dog or other pet shampoos on your Ferret.
OK - great post - but I have a question!  Most "ferret" shampoos dry out my
ferrets' coats.  They get a flaky dandruff type stuff.  It is not because I
didn't rinse well - it is just super dry - not to mention their coats feel
dull and dry after the ferret shampooing.  I the past & currently, I use
regular Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo.  It is safe for their eyes, doesn't
dry out the coat, and no flakes!  I have also used a shampoo made for
horses (but now promoted for people) called Mane & Tail made by Straight
Arrow.  It does the best job with my ferrets' coats.  No flakes & the coats
are soft & shiney.  What are your thoughts on that?
>From:    DJTuvell <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Hissing?
>Her mouth is almost all the way closed except for a small round opening
>right in the front, and it sounds like sucking air through a tube or
Congrats!  You have a hissing ferret!
Amy Flemming
[log in to unmask]
Flemming Farms - Michigan, USA
Breeding for Quality Ferrets
American, Australian, German, and New Zealand bloodlines
Come see us at http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ranch/9521
"For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism"
[Posted in FML issue 2575]