Did you buy those stove pellets?  I didn't - my store was already out!
Actually, today, we found another (Home Base) source, but how many sacks
of pellets can you cram in a 280ZX?
Megan and I have been "talking pellets", and the storage problem came up.
Just where does everyone keep them?  I have no garage, and my floating
storage building has been turned into a covered patio, meaning 1 entire
wall is gone.  While they wouldn't get directly rained on, let's face it
folks, this IS Oregon - notorious for damp weather.  Last year I took over
a section of kitchen cabinet, stacked them under a table with a floor
length cover, and the rest lived in my van all winter.  Does anyone put
them in containers, cover a stack of them with plywood and a sheet and
pretend it's a huge table?  What?  Does anyone use a big paper drum?
Curious minds want to know.
Georgia - the left coast one...
[Posted in FML issue 2594]