Hi there,
Much enjoy the mailing list. Have weaseled out some great info here, it's
much appreciated by myself and the other few Californian fert fanciers I
hobnob with...
I have two males, brothers, about 1 year old.  They are big big boys,
raised on Totally Ferret.  The biggest weighs close to 3 and one half
pounds!  The smarter one has built up his forearms so much he can climb
the screen door all the way to the top, gingerly cling to the handles on
the kitchen cabinets and hoist himself up to the sink like some kind of
pro rock climber, he can leap five feet from sofa to table to desk...
You get the picture.  He's very rambunctious, and often convinces his bro
to join in all wreak havoc.  They enjoy their Ferret Freeway immensely.
My question today is: I am about to move into an apartment that is smaller
than the place they have grown up in.  I will be sharing it with a girl who
doesn't want them to have the run of the house all the time, and I'm trying
to figure out a way to securely attach ferret freeway and/or the tubing
sold by the New Rainbow Bridge people to the walls in my new bedroom.  I'd
like to attach it about 3/4 up towards the ceiling so that they can have a
view of things, maybe build a little box on the wall with a sleepsack and
food and water....ideally I'd like the tubing to run the length of the
I'd like to know if anyone reading this has tried something similar, and if
so, was it successful?  How exactly did you attach the tubing?  Did you cut
breathing holes in the top?  Did you build little plateaus ala Hamster
Habitrail for them to rest/eat/sleep in?
My apologies for such a silly question, but I could really really use some
sound engineering advice on this.
Many thanks in advance,
[Posted in FML issue 2575]