Dear Friends:
Sadly I must inform you that Sandy Burdett lost her battle with cancer on
Friday night.  Many of you knew Sandy as an AOL chat host under the name
PCF Skye, while others knew her as a judge at LIFE sanctioned ferret shows.
However you knew her, Sandy was a very special person who lived life to its
fullest, even while struggling to overcome cancer.  Up until only a week or
so ago she was talking about keeping her strength up in order to be able to
make it to the spring ferret shows.  She will be very missed by everyone
who knew her.
A memorial service for Sandy Burdett has been scheduled for Tuesday,
February 23rd at 7:30 pm at the Community Covenant Church of Laurence
Harbor in Laurence Harbor, NJ.  The phone number for the church is
732-566-1680, you can e-mail [log in to unmask] for directions.
Cards and letters of condolence can be mailed to her family c/o Tracy
Merwin, 836 Forest Ave, Laurence Harbor NJ 08879-2853
Sandy had requested that any memoriums be made to the St. Judes Childrens
I have received many calls and e-mails about her animals.  They are all
fine, and being well cared for by her family, who appreciate the concern
and support that the ferret and skunk communities have offered.
Anne Ryan
[Posted in FML issue 2593]