Hi All..
I'm afraid I might loose my Jake very soon.  In a matter of a weeks time,
he slowly stopped eating, ( I've been feeding him his mush from a spoon),
became very lethargic, and is loosing weight quite rapidly.  He finally
refused all food last night, and I brought him in to the vet's where he has
been overnight.  They are giving him elecrolytes and subq's, and are
probably going to take a sample of his spleen (which had become very large
and hard) and an ultrasound.  I've been reading all the faq's, and I have
his blood analysis..but everything is so inconclusive.  None of my other 3
are sick.  He's only 3.5 yrs old..he's not loosing any fur, he was running
a temp of 104, his stools were 90 percent solid.  (when he was eating).
his glucose came back at 61 (the lab ran it twice) and one of his liver
enzymes were very high (486 for the ALT?) Phosphorous low, (3.5) chloride
high (114) creatinine high (.9) .  all his blood cells checked out fine.
He was on antibiotics (amoxyl) for 3 days before he stopped eating.
I don't know whether this could be just his spleen, or something more
serious..  hopefully we'll find out more very soon.  please keep Jakey in
your ferrety thoughts and prayers.  Thank you.
[Posted in FML issue 2592]