>From:    "Victoria \\Vikki\\" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Flying Ferrets, Questions, and Misc
You mention that your ferrets often dip their entire heads into the water.
Mine does that too.  I think some fuzzies just do that, either 'cause it's
fun, or a way of cleaning or cooling off.  You also mentioned they don't
like hairball medicine.  Try olive oil instead.  It has a laxative effect
too.  As for the amounts of treats, that depends on what kind of treat it
is... :) For example, if you're referring to raisins, I think it sounds
like too much if it's EVERY day, but it's possible others have a higher
limit than myself.  If, however, you're talking about chicken meat, etc,
two pieces a day should be perfect as a variation to their food.  :)
>From:    Rois <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Hair loss! Please reassure me! (Need some advice)
Hair loss on the tip of the tail is not necessarily a danger sign by
itself.  I know of several people whose ferrets lost a lot of hair on their
tails last summer when they shed, leaving them almost rat-like.  It can be
caused by stress, changes in the environment, and a lot of other things.
As for going to several litter-boxes before he "goes" it sounds just like
my Ozzy.  He can never decide if he wants to go or not.  (Can be that he's
a real beggar for treats, and he knows that one way to get a treat is to go
in the litter-box.  :) )
>I think I read that with the adrenal disease the hair loss begins on
>the base of the tail and on the inner legs area and not from the tip.
That is normally the case, but I have no personal experience so I hope
you'll get some more answer on this.
>From:    [log in to unmask]
>Subject: To Jadesun
Ela - good point!!
>From:    Sharon Pease <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Marking & Dish digging
>Dish digging:
>Try getting some "crock-lock" dishes, or any type of dish that will
>securely attach to the side of the cage.  Fix it low enough that they
>can still eat and drink, but high enough that it's uncomfortable and
>awkward for them to get their paws into.
Hmmm, I have an INCURABLE water-bowl digger.  He digs in any water so
stubbornly that even if placed so high that he can hardly drink, he empties
the bowl in an hour.  He also loves to drag any loose bowl at the same time
as he's drinking and digging, leaving a wet trail, eventually turning the
bowl upside down.  The ONLY solution I've found is to only use bottles, and
let them play with water once in a while.  Do you have any tips for me? :)
Dooks to all!
Ozzy (Mom, I have gone potty, now give me treats!!!)
Obelix (Ah, water, should not be in bowl, should be on floor...)
[Posted in FML issue 2592]