Thank you to all of you who have helped me to save my little girl Baby.
Because of all of you, I made changes that have her back doing her little
feminine dainty bounce, and other genuinely feminine movements.  She is so
strong that I have scheduled her for exploratory surgery next week.  May
take out the spleen and adrenals, and tumor on her haunch area that feels
like[and could be] a large fatty deposit.
You have been writing in about rabie and distemper shot.  I always have
them done seperately.  Baby had them both done same time once.  Left a lump
under her neck for over a year.  Coulnt scruff her without her crying in
pain.  Little, my persian looking black eyed white deaf pig stinker had
severe reaction to rabies.  uncommon, but it happened.  Projectile vomiting
all over walls and desk and Dr. Had I done both at once, I never would know
which shot caused the reaction.  He had had 3 other rabies shots before:
noo problem.  He will never have another rabies shot.  I dont let anyone
touch him.  He goes out on a leash, but prefers indoor places to outdoor.
My vet wont give Wolf any shots.  Wolf has metastatic cancer.  Vet feels
shots weaken immune system.  She sees mostly ferrets.
Lastly, I cut off my youngests toe.  Put him in cage.  Went to say goodbye
to babes: blood everywhere-including on bodies of other ferts.  I know I
age years when these things happen.  Found problem Chewy trying to lick off
blood that just kept coming.I had just trimmed nails.  Had no idea I had
hurt anyone.  Called vet to let her know I was running over.  She said put
ferret foot in FLOUR.  It worked Issolated him in smaller sick cage.  Used
printer paper instead of litter.  Just was able to really look at toe for
first time really closely.  Felt like murderer.  Maybe I should have my
adrenal gland removed.
Kisses to the babes, and prayers for all of you with sick children.
[Posted in FML issue 2590]