Change two to change three.  The point of contact at the Best Friends
Shelter in Southern Utah has made a correction.  They do have plans to
build a Ferret Shelter in the future.  Probably not for over a year, but
it seems that not everyone at the Best Friends Shelter was aware.
But again, the location of this shelter will not be in easy access place.
If you have never been to Southern Utah, its pretty desolate, but
beautiful.  If you get the opportunity, go visit, if anything, just for
the scenary.  But, give them any support you can.
United Ferret Organization
808 E. 9400 S. #150 Sandy, Utah 84094
(801) 572-6010 [log in to unmask]
The United Ferret Organization is dedicated to the protectection of the
Domestic Ferret and education others about the wonderful companion they
[Posted in FML issue 2590]